Metallic Hematite 4x4x4mm Faceted 18 Sided Mirror Bead 16 inch Strand| 97 Beads|
Amazing HEMATITE Faceted Many Sided Cube Bead 16″ STRAND for jewelry making!!!
These beads are perfectly cut and polished to shine brilliantly like mirrors. These beads will add that unique touch to your designer creations. HEMATITE will add that earthy energy and a certain grounding to your designs. Its name comes from the Greek word for blood as it turns the coolant red when cut.
NOTE: Images do not reflect number and size. Please see detail and table for information.
Quantity: 97 beads
Material Type: Hematite
Size: 4x4x4mm
Color: Silver
Legend: Hematite brings in light into our lives.
Origin: China