Carved Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog Water Buffalo Bone Bead|30mm|Cream|1 Bead|
This intricately carved pendant bead will be treasured for its meaning for years. The perfect gift for everyone young or old! It is drilled with a 2mm hole to easily slide a cord or chain through or use a headpin to make permanent loop at the top.
This is one amazing pendant bead!
(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030)
Just as one may assume, Dog people are ones who are extremely loyal and trustworthy. They tend to give their heart and soul in whatever they opt for be it a job or a relationship. With possessing excellent creative skills, they strongly back their family values and principles. A thing that can be a hurdle is that as much as they give in a relationship, they expect it back too and when the other person doesn’t reciprocate they tend to hold grudges for long. They love to be in the state of commitment and seek long-lasting relations.
NOTE: Images do not reflect number and size. Please see detail and table for information.
Quantity: 1
Material Type: Bone
Size: 30mm
Hole Size: 2mm
Color: Cream
Legend: The Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years.
Origin: China