Pink Mookaite Facet 25x18mm Rectangular Bead Strand 104689
Extraordianry rare pink Mookaite faceted rectangle bead strand!
This is for 1 temporarily strung 16″ strand of amazing Mookaite beads!! Each bead is fully faceted, which brings out the unusual pink colors displayed in this Mookaite! These beads range in color from creamy peach/pink to pink/mauve to deep mauve to bright pink. Some of these beads have spots, stripes or display more than one color.
This is high quality natural Mookaite, cut into faceted oval beads!!
NOTE: you will receive the actual strand shown!
NOTE: images do not reflect number and size. please see detail and table for information.
QUANTITY: 16 beads
SIZE: 25x18mm
COLOR: multi-hue
LEGEND: 1 temporarily strung 16″ strand (16 beads)
origin: australia